Thursday, September 23, 2004

An Important Announcement…
Beware…What You Must Know About ThreeLac Before You Buy

There are a lot of websites selling ThreeLac, and other Global Health Trax products, claiming to cure candida, offering special discounts and enticements to get you to buy from them. There are a lot of these sites selling the products without offering any follow-up or support where their main objective is to make a buck.

Before you give your money to anybody, you need to read this…

According to the official Global Health Trax website…

"ThreeLac™ is a naturally lemon-flavored dietary supplement which supports healthy digestive function. It contains many of the essential probiotic ingredients found in yogurt."

"THREELAC™ helps maintain intestinal flora that are essential for efficient digestion and assimilation of nutrients." ThreeLac is a nutritional supplement. And so are many of the other Global Health Trax products. So, what’s the big deal you might say? You can go to any health food store, order through the mail or go online and buy nutritional supplements. Well, the big deal is that even though you can legally buy nutritional products, including ThreeLac, over-the-counter, without a prescription, you don’t know if what you’re buying is what YOUR body needs.

Don’t get me wrong!

ThreeLac is an outstanding product. However, in my experience in working with patients with ThreeLac for more than a year and with patients in general since 1984, I have found, time and again, that there is no one product that works for everyone. Each person is unique with unique individual needs. Some products that produce miraculous results for some may not make an ounce of difference for others.

And that’s true about ThreeLac too!

Many of my patients have gotten outstanding results, yet some have been disappointed by the lack of results. Why am I telling you this? Because you deserve to get the best nutrition for your dollar, the best nutrition for your body’s needs. How are you going to do that by just reading and buying from a description on a webpage, in an advertisement or on a bottle in a health food store? You won’t.

You need to have your nutritional supplements
personalized to your specific needs.

If you haven’t been trained in nutrition, you’re not going to be able to do that for yourself. Even if you have some training in nutrition, it can be helpful to have outside help in designing your personal nutritional program.

My name is Dr. Christine H. Farlow, D.C. I am a chiropractor with a specialty in nutrition. I’ve been counseling patients and teaching classes in healthy eating and nutrition since 1984, and am the author of three health and nutrition books. I’m a veteran at helping people solve their health challenges naturally, without the use of drugs. I’ve helped people with candida, allergies, digestive problems, constipation, weight loss, nutritional deficiencies and much more. I can help you too!

Here’s what I can do for you:

  • I offer a FREE initial consultation to determine your nutritional needs. I’ll e-mail you specific instructions so that you can be prepared to get the maximum benefit from our time together. I’ll send you an appointment time and a phone number for you to call for your consultation.
  • I offer FREE ongoing nutritional support for all those who purchase nutritional products from me. Whether your problem is candida, allergies, overweight, hypoglycemia, or just wanting to learn how to eat more healthfully, I’ll answer your questions and give you direction in achieving your health and nutritional goals.
  • I’ll tell you the truth about whether or not I think ThreeLac will benefit you. I’ll make recommendations for nutritional products that I believe will benefit you. I’ll adjust your program as your needs change and as we find out what works and what doesn’t work in your specific situation.
  • I’ll offer you several different options for nutritional products that may benefit you whatever your nutritional needs are. I work with products from numerous different companies and we may actually use more than one company’s products to meet your special needs.
  • I’ll always listen to you to find out what you want for your health and nutrition program. I’ll let you know what I believe you need and will work with you to design a program that will work for you.

Now if you still just want to try ThreeLac without taking me up on my offer for a FREE consultation, you can place your order HERE. You can still call me afterward to help you adjust the program to your particular needs, as long as you order through my website.

Remember, I’m not just going to sell you products and let you figure out how to use them, how much to take, and what to do if the standard directions don’t work for you. I offer ongoing support to all my clients and customers. I want you to achieve the best health possible and I’m willing to help you get there.

How To Test Yourself For Candida

Some healthcare professionals believe that candida infects 89% of the US population. Many Americans don’t realize that candidiasis is caused by the overuse and abuse of antibiotics, steroids, NSAIDs and poor dietary habits. By simply following the standard of healthcare in our society and eating the standard American diet, you may be putting yourself at risk of recurrent candida yeast infections.

Candida overgrowth, in my professional opinion, is a result of the choices that our parents or we made regarding food and healthcare. Because of the “pop-a-pill for every symptom” approach to healthcare, fast food, processed food and high sugar diets in our culture, it has created the perfect opportunity for candida overgrowth. Unfortunately, once you’ve experienced a bout with the feisty yeast-like fungus, you are likely to continue to have many periodic infections if you continue the same habits that caused it in the first place.

Are You Bewildered by Your Symptoms?

Most people are aware of the most common manifestations of candida as yeast infection, jock itch, thrush, athlete’s foot and ringworm. But what is not commonly known are all the other seemingly unrelated symptoms that are caused by candida, like chronic fatigue, food allergies, digestive problems, sexual dysfunction, constipation, headaches and the list goes on and on.

It’s important to realize that candida albicans is an important part of the normal flora in the intestinal tract. It’s only when it becomes overabundant due to dietary indiscretions, use of prescription and non-prescription drugs or other situations that disturb the normal balance that it becomes a problem.

You may already have an idea whether you have a candida yeast infection, but to be sure you may want to be tested. Candida testing through your doctor is a complicated process. Here are two tests you can do at home yourself and get a pretty accurate idea as to whether you are experiencing a problem with candida overgrowth.

A Simple Test You Can Do at Home

First thing in the morning, before you put ANYTHING in your mouth, get a clear glass and fill with water. Work up a bit of saliva, then spit it into the glass of water. Check the water after a moment or within 2-3 minutes, then within every 15 minutes.

If you have a candida yeast infection, you will see strings, like cloudy legs, traveling down into the water from the saliva floating on the top, or "cloudy" saliva will sink to the bottom of the glass, or cloudy specks will seem to be suspended in the water. If there are no strings, the water is as clear as it was before you spit in the glass and the saliva is still floating after at least one hour, you are probably candida yeast free. The more strings and cloudiness there is and the faster it develops, the greater the overgrowth.

The Candida Questionnaire

Answer the following questions in each of the three sections listed below to determine if you are likely to have candida overgrowth in your body. (This test is designed for adults.)


For each yes answer, score yourself the number of points indicated to the left of each question.
  • 25 - Have you taken tetracycline or other antibiotics for acne for one month or more?
  • 20 - Have you taken broad-spectrum antibiotics for any infection for two months or longer, or shorter courses in a one-year period?
  • 25 - Have you ever been bothered by persistent prostatitis, vaginitis or other problems affecting your reproductive organs?
  • 3 - Have you been pregnant one time only?
  • 5 - Have you been pregnant two or more times?
  • 15 - Have you taken birth control pills two or more years?
  • 8 - Have you taken birth control pills less than two years?
  • 6 - Have you taken Prednisone or other cortisone-type drug for less than two weeks?
  • 15 - Have you taken Prednisone or other cortisone-type drug for more than two weeks?
  • 5 - Does exposure to fragrances, mall odors or chemicals provoke mild allergic symptoms?
  • 20 - Does exposure to fragrances, mall odors or chemicals provoke moderate to severe allergic symptoms?
  • 20 - Are these symptoms worse on damp, muggy days or in moldy places?
  • 10 - Have you had athlete’s foot, jock itch, ring worm, or chronic fungus infection of skin or nails? Mild to moderate?
  • 20 - Have you had athlete’s foot, jock itch, ring worm, or chronic fungus infection of skin or nails? Severe to persistent?
  • 10 - Do you crave sugar?
  • 10 - Do you crave bread?
  • 10 - Do you crave alcoholic beverages?
  • 10 - Does tobacco smoke bother you?
Total your points for HEALTH HISTORY


Rate the following symptoms:

3 points - Occasional or mild
6 points - Frequent and/or moderately severe
9 points - Severe and/or disabling

  • Fatigue or “feeling drained
  • Poor memory; feeling spacey or “unreal”
  • Depression
  • Numbness, burning or tingling
  • Muscle aches, weakness or paralysis
  • Pain and/or swelling joints
  • Abdominal pain
  • Bloating, constipation or diarrhea
  • Persistent vaginal burning/itching
  • Troublesome vaginal discharge
  • Prostatitis
  • Impotence or loss of sexual desire
  • Endometriosis, PMS, menstrual irregularities, or other reproductive organ concerns
  • Spots in front of the eyes; erratic vision
Total your points for SECTION 2


Rate these symptoms:

1 point - Occasional or mild
2 points - Frequent and/or moderately severe

  • Frequent drowsiness
  • Frequent irritability and/or jitteriness
  • Frequent lack of coordination
  • Frequent inability to concentrate
  • Frequent mood swings (ups & downs)
  • Frequent headaches
  • Frequent dizziness/loss of balance
  • Feeling of head swelling & tingling
  • Frequent itching anywhere on body
  • Frequent or persistent rashes
  • Frequent heartburn and/or indigestion
  • Belching, burping & intestinal gas
  • Mucus in stools
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Frequent dry mouth
  • Rash or blisters in/around mouth
  • Bad breath
  • Joint swelling or arthritis
  • Nasal congestion, itching or discharge
  • Postnasal drip
  • Frequent sore or dry throat
  • Frequent unexplained cough
  • Pain or tightness in chest
  • Wheezing or shortness of breath
  • Urinary urgency or frequency
  • Burning on urination
  • Noticeably failing vision
  • Recurrent infections or fluid in ears
  • Ear pain or deafness
Total your points for SECTION 3


Your total score can help you determine if your health concerns are yeast related.


Women above 180 – Men above 140: almost certainly yeast related.
Women 121 to 180 – Men 91 to 140: probably yeast related.
Women: 60 to 120 – Men 40 to 90: possibly yeast related.
Below 60 for women and 40 for men probably not yeast related

Do these two tests at home and you will have a good indication as to whether you have a candida yeast/fungal overgrowth problem.

Although candida is difficult to manage and eliminate there are effective alternative treatments that restore the normal flora balance and rid the body of the overgrowth of candida albicans. But beware. There are numerous products on the market and many are ineffective or marginally effective and most only work with a strict and difficult-to-follow diet. The typical candida diet consists mostly of meat and vegetables. Carbohydrates, starches and sugars feed the yeast and cause them to multiply, as well as foods that contain high content of yeast or mold, like alcoholic beverages, aged cheeses, mushrooms, vinegar and breads.

ThreeLac is Proven to Work

There is one product however, ThreeLac, that has been proven to reduce candida and bring the proper balance to the intestinal flora without following a rigid diet. In tests done in the U.S. based on a limited number of patients who ate a Western diet, everyone reported they were candida free without going on a strict candida diet. An additional field study on ThreeLac is currently in progress, conducted by a medical doctor, using a selected population and continuing over a period of several months, which may substantiate earlier findings and provide useful additional information about its efficacy.

Do you want to deprive yourself of your favorite foods forever just to be candida free? Or would you prefer to kick your candida problem and enjoy your food too with a product that is proven to reduce candidiasis without following a strict diet?

While candida still poses a very real health challenge to many women, thank goodness there are now effective solutions that can help suffers find lasting relief. Candida doesn’t have to change your life forever and rage back out of control every time you indulge a little bit.

How to Kick Your Candida Problem

Candida is a yeast-like fungus that is a part of the normal flora in the intestinal tract. When your body is healthy, candida remains in balance with the other friendly bacteria that reside in this region of the body. It only becomes a problem when this balance is disturbed and the candida yeast multiplies out of control.

Most people are aware of the most common manifestations of candida as yeast infection, jock itch, thrush, athlete’s foot and ringworm. But what is not commonly known are all the other seemingly unrelated symptoms that are caused by candida, like chronic fatigue, food allergies, digestive problems, sexual dysfunction, constipation, headaches and a whole myriad of other symptoms that occur when candida overgrowth is not properly treated and corrected.

What Causes This Overproliferation of Candida?

Candidiasis, in my professional opinion, is a result of the choices that our parents or we made regarding food and healthcare. The most common causes of candida overgrowth are antibiotics, steroids, NSAID’s (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), oral contraceptives, mercury dental fillings, drugs or alcohol, chlorinated drinking water, meat or dairy products from animals fed antibiotics, and diets full of too much sugar and refined and processed foods.

The “pop-a-pill for every symptom” approach to healthcare, fast food, processed food and high sugar diets in our society, have created the perfect opportunity for candida overgrowth. Unfortunately, once you’ve experienced a bout with the feisty yeast-like fungus, you are likely to continue to have recurring infections if you continue the same habits that caused it in the first place.

The First Step In Correcting Your Candida Yeast Problem …

… is to eliminate the cause. What are you doing, or what did you do that brought on the candida in the first place? Did you take antibiotics? Are you taking birth control pills? Have you taken drugs that suppress your immune system? Do you have mercury dental fillings in your teeth? Do you drink chlorinated tap water? Do you eat fast food, processed foods and sweets? Do you drink sodas? All these food and healthcare choices can bring on candida. What is your cause?

If you take a drug or nutritional supplements to eliminate the symptoms without first finding and removing the cause, the problem will return, in one form or another, guaranteed. And eventually, if allowed to continue for a long period of time, it will become systemic and manifest as one or more of the multitude of symptoms not commonly thought of as candida.

Next, you have to kill the yeast and restore balance to the intestinal flora. There are a lot of products available, both drugs and nutritional products that claim to cure candida. Some are more effective than others. One thing most of them have in common, though, is that they require you to follow a very strict and limited diet in order for the product to work effectively. Typically a candida diet consists mostly of meat and vegetables. Carbohydrates, starches and sugars feed the yeast and cause them to multiply, as well as foods that contain high content of yeast or mold, like alcoholic beverages, aged cheeses, mushrooms, vinegar and breads.

ThreeLac is Proven to Work

There is one product however, ThreeLac, that has been proven to reduce candida and bring the proper balance to the intestinal flora without following a rigid diet. In tests done in the U.S. based on a limited number of patients who ate a Western diet, everyone reported they were candida free without going on a strict candida diet. An additional field study on ThreeLac is currently in progress, conducted by a medical doctor, using a selected population and continuing over a period of several months, which may substantiate earlier findings and provide useful additional information about its efficacy.

Do you want to deprive yourself of your favorite foods forever just to be candida free? Or would you prefer to kick your candida problem and enjoy your food too with a product that is proven to reduce candidiasis without following a strict diet?

“I had candida for many years. Last year it got so bad that I was in bed for two months, hardly able to function. I went to five or six doctors and had a lot of tests done. They found nothing. Finally, a doctor put me on Nystatin. It covered up my symptoms but didn't get rid of the candida. I was supposed to be on it for two to six months, but got severely sick whenever I tried to wean myself off it. I was told to never go off the drug "cold turkey" or I would get a candida flare-up three times as bad. I started taking ThreeLac and I took myself off the drug "cold turkey." I never felt sick or had adverse reactions. Eleven days later the candida was completely GONE! I feel better than I have in years. ThreeLac is very easy to take, and it tasted fine! I took ThreeLac twice a day, once in the morning and then about 12 hours later. Thanks, ThreeLac. I feel great!”
Annette VanVoorst
Maurice, IA

Finally, to rid yourself of candida for good, you have to strengthen your immune system. Make sure you are eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, raw nuts and seeds, whole grains, and good quality oils, like extra virgin olive oil and flax seed oil.

While candida still poses a very real health challenge to many women, thank goodness there are now effective solutions that can help suffers find lasting relief. Candida doesn’t have to change your life forever and rage back out of control every time you indulge a little bit.