February 24 was the launch of the much-anticipated Health Revolution Petition.
This petition is a groundbreaking new petition that calls for real, revolutionary health freedom reforms in America! If its provisions are enacted, it would:
- End FDA tyranny and oppression of natural product companies
- End the persecution of alternative medicine and healing arts practitioners
- Ban GMOs in the food supply and require honest labeling of irradiated foods
- Protect America from CODEX "harmonization"
- Allow full income tax deductions for ALL health-related expenditures (herbs, supplements, gym memberships, etc.)
- Provide $350 a month in health care credits to each U.S. resident, allowing them to spend it on the health-enhancing products and services of their choice
- End mandatory vaccination policies across America
- Restore honest science to the FDA's review of drugs
- Require the open publication of all drug trials
- End Big Pharma's bribery of doctors
- Hold drug company CEO's criminally liable for the harm caused by drugs they advertise to consumers
- Restrict the advertising of junk foods and soda pop to children
- Ban man-made, non-natural chemicals in personal care products
- Invest in disease prevention and consumer education about nutrition
- Protect the environment from dangerous drugs that pollute the water supply
... and more. If you believe in these things, and you are a resident or citizen of the USA, then please ...
Sign the Health Revolution Petition now!